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Travel information:
Here you will find detailed information about traveling to and from the Faroe Islands, including options for accommodation before and after the camp. Additionally, we will provide details about additional activities available both before and after the camp.


When traveling to the Faroe Islands, you have the option to travel by sea or by air.


By flight:
If you choose to travel by air, we recommend flying first to Copenhagen, Denmark, and then onward to the Faroe Islands, as this is the most convenient option. We also suggest booking your flight with Atlantic Airways, as they are well-equipped to handle the unique weather conditions of the Faroe Islands.


While Atlantic Airways primarily operates flights to Copenhagen, Denmark, they also offer flights to other countries, although less frequently. Additionally, other airlines such as SAS and Icelandair also offer flights to the Faroe Islands.


For more information and to book your flight, you can visit the Atlantic Airways website:


If you need assistance with booking your flight tickets, please feel free to contact us for guidance.


Renting an airplane:

For large groups, the option of renting an airplane is available. These planes typically accommodate around 100-150 seats, and prices vary depending on the destination. For more information on airplane rentals, please contact us via email at:


Norrøna Ferry:

Alternatively, if you prefer sea travel, you can take the Norrøna ferry from Hirtshals, Denmark, or Seyðisfyrði, Iceland. The ferry journey takes approximately one and a half days. You can view prices and schedules on their website:


For any inquiries or further information regarding travel arrangements, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at:


When am I leaving and going back home?

The camp officially begins on the 31st of July, and therefore we advise all participants to arrive in the Faroe Islands no later than the 30th of July. This recommendation is due to the potential for travel disruptions and delays caused by weather conditions.


Additionally, participants have the opportunity to explore the Faroe Islands before and after the camp. Just before the camp begins, on the 28th and 29th of July, is St. Olaf’s Day, which is the National Day of the Faroe Islands. This celebration, known as Ólavsøka, takes place in the capital city of Tórshavn. During St. Olaf’s Day, you can witness Faroese people dressed in their national attire, enjoy midnight singing, and experience the rich culture of the Faroe Islands.


Following the camp is the Summer Festival held in Klaksvík. This festival, which takes place from the 8th to the 10th of August, features renowned singers from both the Faroe Islands and other countries performing in a song festival atmosphere.

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